Total Miner Wiki
Vote for your favorite map seed here: Total Miner Wiki#Poll

Total Miner Forge On The Moon

Moon Map Seed

Map Seed is an option that was added in the v1.5 update and seeds have now changed when using seeds from pre-1.8 worlds. This option allows you to choose a map seed. The map seed is the layout of the map. A map seed is randomly generated, but may be edited. This allows players to note down seeds from previous worlds, meaning that the terrain is re-used again.


  • You cannot change the map seed once the world is created.
  • Special seeds have been disabled as of 1.8 (planned for a return)
  • On the PC version, you can download the hell and moon seeds from the Total Miner Forums.

Special Map Seeds[]

Special map seeds currently do not work/generate in versions after version 1.8, and will be backed up in a later update.

  • Entering 20071969 (named because of the Apollo 11 moon landing date, 20th July 1969) creates a moon-like world. This seed is named the most popular map seed according to the Total Miner Wiki Polls.



Total Miner How to play With Night Time Setting! 1.6 Update!

Night Time Map Seed
