Total Miner Wiki
Texture WisdomScroll64 General Information Texture WisdomScroll64
Blast Resistance Blast Resistance: 25
Texture BlockShop64 Shop Information Texture ItemShop64
Buy: 7200Item GoldPieces32 Sell: 6000Item GoldPieces32
Icon PC 32 Ore Tab
Texture ScriptBlock64 Scripting Data Texture ScriptBlock64
Sapphire #177

The Sapphire block is a high value ore used in crafting jewelry. It is also a favored mid-high level training block used with the smelting skill.


In-game description: "This rock contains Sapphire. Sapphire gemstones can be extracted from this rock by smelting it in a furnace."


  • The primary purpose of sapphire is to smelt it in a furnace to make sapphire gemstones, which are then made in to various jewelries.

Material and Tool Efficiency[]

Tool Efficiency
Material Resistance Pickaxe Efficiency Shovel Efficiency Hatchet Efficiency Weapon Efficiency
Sapphire 5400 100% 0% 0% 0%
Required Tool This block CANNOT be broken with fists Must use a Diamond Pickaxe or greater Cannot break with a shovel! Cannot break with a hatchet! Cannot break with a sword!
  • Material = Sapphire
  • Resistance = 5400
  • Item FistNo32 This block CANNOT be broken with fists.
  • Pickaxe Efficiency 100% Item DiamondPickaxe32 Must use a Diamond Pickaxe or greater.
  • Shovel Efficiency 0% Texture ExcludeMarker64 Cannot break with a shovel!
  • Hatchet Efficiency 0% Texture ExcludeMarker64 Cannot break with a hatchet!
  • Weapon Efficiency 0% Texture ExcludeMarker64 Cannot break with a sword!

How to Obtain[]

  • Sapphire is typically found starting in the serpentine layer, which includes the second supercavern. It is typically not found deeper than the komatiite layer.
  • Sapphire can be purchased from a Block Shop (Icon PC 32 Ore Tab) for 7200Item GoldPieces32 and can be sold for 6000Item GoldPieces32.

Skill Statistics[]

Skill Statistics
To Mine To Use To Craft
Item SkillMining32 Mining 45 Item SkillBuilding32 Building 45 Texture ExcludeMarker64
+7.4 XP +3.25 XP Texture ExcludeMarker64

Scripting Data[]

  • Item ID: Sapphire